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Video Shows 8 Antifa Members of ‘Occupy ICE’ Arrested Outside ICE Facility
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Video Shows 8 Antifa Members of ‘Occupy ICE’ Arrested Outside ICE Facility


Eight protesters were arrested Wednesday morning as they blocked a van from leaving a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Southwest Portland.

A video entitled "Deportation bus leaving Portland, Oregon (Abolish #OccupyICEPDX)" shows a band of protesters linked at the arms, blocking the van from exiting the facility. It also shows several of them being detained by officers, who deployed pepper balls at close range, as well as pepper spray.

One detained protester ran away. Robert Sperling, a Federal Protective Service spokesman, said officers went after that protester but didn't know whether he or she was among the eight arrested.

The federal agency said the eight people were arrested on allegations including but not limited to failure to comply and obstruction. Federal officers warned the protesters to leave the driveway multiple times, the agency said in a statement.


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